homepage Practitioner Stories

We are four service designers living and working in Scotland passionate about our practice and with the aim of bringing the service design community together by sharing experiences and learnings and discussing the future.

We were initially three, but Vinishree joined later when we opened up to others when we started the analysis phase.

You can get in touch with us individually on the Service Design in Scotland Slack for example or the Public Sector Design in Scotland Slack, on Twitter or LinkedIn.

Angela F. Orviz

She has a mixed background in engineering and innovation/service design. She has been in Scotland since 2009, primarily working as an academic doing research and consultancy. In 2020, she finished a PhD looking at how people in Public Sector learn and evaluate design. She now works as a service design consultant at Opencast.

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Serena Nüsing

She currently works as a service designer for the policy profession unit at UK Government. Previously she worked for the Scottish Government helping to transform public services. She has a bachelor and master in design and is interested in understanding the role of design from policy up to the delivery of public services.

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Stéphanie Krus

She works as a service designer in the public sector. She came to Scotland in 2005. Her background is in teaching and computing initially. She never really studied service design as such, but has learned by doing, in previous roles.

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Vinishree Verma

She comes with a background in architecture, industrial design and service design. She is keen on developing circular economy strategies for low carbon solutions through her initiative - Around Zero, and works as a service designer in Scotland.

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Follow her on Twitter @Vinishreee
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